Introducing SHanC - A Static Hacker News Clone
I read Hacker News (HN hereafter) daily. The way I read is that, I skim through titles and open 5~10 stories and actually read 2~5.
Two problems I have with HN.
And I don't need real-time updates of the story.
So I created SHaNc, a Static page Hacker News clone.
I will only introduce you SHaNc in this article. Details on how it was built and problems faced while building it will be discussed in the next post.
It solves two problems mentioned above.
SHaNc loads all stories in one page (solves the first problem) and fast as it's a static page and also learn GatsbyJS & Styled Components along the way.
SHaNc is a static page, which displays all stories (Best & New story pages planned), which solves both problems - loads all stories & fast (for being a static page).
A static page is by definition doesn't change. So the page is rebuilt every hour on the hour. So you will probably be at most 1 hour behind.
There are other two awesome static HN clones.
They are fast but I still had the problem of having to load next page manually, which takes your focus away.
Nothing fancy.
Hand-drawn on a piece of paper 😝.
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If you have a similar HN reading style, I hope SHaNc can help to address your problems.
Please leave a feedback, issues, suggestion on GitHub page (MIT licensed).