Docusaurus Alpha TypeScript with Husky
docusaurus, cheatsheet, typescript, husky
docusaurus, cheatsheet, typescript, husky
Image by Lynn Coetzee from Pixabay
I wanted to use Docusaurus v2, which supports MDX but is in Alpha.
This is just my cheatsheet on how to set it up with TypeScript and Commitizen support using Husky.
I will use yarn instead of npm.
Create a new Docusaurus project.
npx @docusaurus/init@next init [name] [template]
e.g. npx @docusaurus/init@next init doc-demo classic
yarn add -D typescript @docusaurus/module-type-aliases @types/react @types/react-router-dom @types/react-helmet @tsconfig/docusaurus
Important: Make sure that the version of @docusaurus/module-type-aliases matches that of @docusaurus/core in package.json.
I had trouble as the bootstrapped project used @docusaurus/core version of alpha.66 while the latest @docusaurus/module-type-aliases was alpha.51.
I manually upgraded @docusaurus/module-type-aliases to @docusaurus/module-type-aliases@2.0.0-alpha.66 like
yarn add -D @docusaurus/module-type-aliases@2.0.0-alpha.66
Extend as shown in the official documentation.
1{2 "extends": "@tsconfig/docusaurus/tsconfig.json",3 "include": ["src/"]4}
Change the ./src/pages/index.js to ./src/pages/index.tsx.
Add type-check script in package.json.
1"scripts": {2 ...3 "type-check": "tsc"4}
Run the command to see if there is any error.
yarn type-check
If there is no error, you should be able to run it with yarn start.
To enforce consistent commit message (I like Angular Commit Message Format), I will install Commitizen.
Checking it manually is taxing so I will use Husky to make it run during git commit.
I will also add TypeScript ESLint to see if there is any error (Is this needed when tsc is run with type-check???)
To add commitizen, husky and eslint, run the following command
yarn add -D commitizen cz-conventional-changelog eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-import-resolver-alias eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks husky lint-staged prettier @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@latest @typescript-eslint/parser
In package.json,
1"scripts": {2 ...3 "cm": "cz",4 "lint": "eslint --ignore-path .gitignore . --ext ts --ext tsx --ext js --ext jsx",5 "lint:fix": "yarn lint --fix"6 },
In package.json, add the commitizen configuration
1"config": {2 "commitizen": {3 "path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"4 }5 },
This will enforce the Angular commit message convention.
And add cz command.
Create .lintstagedrc file in the project root and add following configuration
1{2 "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": ["yarn lint:fix", "git add"],3 "*.scss": ["prettier --write", "stylelint --fix", "git add"],4 "{*.{json,md}}": ["prettier --write", "git add"]5}
Create .huskyrc file in the project root.
The following configuration will let husky run when git commit is typed.
What it does is to
1{2 "hooks": {3 "prepare-commit-msg": "exec < /dev/tty && git cz --hook || true",4 "pre-commit": ["yarn type-check && lint-staged"]5 }6}
Create .eslintrc.js in the project root.
It is based on Setting up a GatsbyJS starter with TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier and pre-commit hooks.
1/**2 * based on Setting up the linters3 * https://www.arden.nl/setting-up-a-gatsby-js-starter-with-type-script-es-lint-prettier-and-pre-commit-hooks4 */5module.exports = {6 parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser", // Specifies the ESLint parser7 extends: [8 "eslint:recommended",9 "plugin:react/recommended",10 "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended",11 "prettier/@typescript-eslint",12 "plugin:prettier/recommended",13 "plugin:react-hooks/recommended",14 ],15 settings: {16 react: {17 version: "detect",18 },19 "import/resolver": {20 alias: [21 ["src", "./src"],22 ["components", "./src/components"],23 ["store", "./store"],24 ],25 },26 },27 env: {28 browser: true,29 node: true,30 es6: true,31 },32 plugins: ["@typescript-eslint", "react"],33 parserOptions: {34 ecmaFeatures: {35 jsx: true,36 },37 ecmaVersion: 2018, // Allows for the parsing of modern ECMAScript features38 sourceType: "module", // Allows for the use of imports39 },40 rules: {41 "react/prop-types": "off", // Disable prop-types as we use TypeScript for type checking42 "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "off",43 },44 overrides: [45 // Override some TypeScript rules just for .js files46 {47 files: ["*.js"],48 rules: {49 "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "off", //50 },51 },52 ],53};
When you stage your files and type git commit, you should see commitzen-conventional-log prompt.
Image by Lynn Coetzee from Pixabay